If you haven’t yet had the opportunity, KidWorks invites you to explore our brand-new website at kidworksoc.org.

The new website, launched in September, is a total update to the legacy website, which last had a major overhaul eight years ago.

Here’s some of what you’ll experience on our new website:

“The new website was more than a year in the making and reflected robust input from students, parents, volunteers, partners and KidWorks’ team members,” says Beckie White, our Manager of Marketing & Communications.

Beckie adds, “We also incorporated technology advances into the website, along with making the site more interactive. For instance, our upcoming events, blogs and social media feeds automatically populate on our home page. The calendar can also be filtered by area of interest/audience, i.e., families, volunteers and youth.”

Beckie said one goal is that students become so comfortable using the website that it will encourage their continued engagement with KidWorks as they progress in life academically, in their careers and hopefully as KidWorks supporters/volunteers.

Like any good website, ours will always be evolving and improving.

“Our next phase is creating specific portals for students, parents and board members where they can access information specifically for them,” Beckie says. “For instance,  students will be able to access scholarship information and parents can sign-up for classes and learn other ways to get involved with us.”

KidWorks welcomes feedback about the new website, which can be provided by messaging us through the “Contact Us” link on the home page.