March 2024 ‘Volunteer of the Month’: Cristian Vega

Like many students enrolled in KidWorks’ programs, Cristian Vega knew he wanted to say “thanks” by serving here as a volunteer.

Cristian attended our programs from eighth grade through graduation from Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana. He joined KidWorks at the same time as his younger brother, Enrique.

Our March 2024 “Volunteer of the Month” is a senior at Orange Coast College; he’s about to earn his associate of arts degree in speech language pathology.

Cristian became a KidWorks volunteer in 2018 and continues to volunteer as he makes plans to attend a four-year college or university. So far, he’s logged over 150 volunteer hours.

“Cristian is a dedicated alumni who has remained committed to KidWorks and our students,” says Rachel Cervantes, Volunteer Coordinator.

“Cristian could easily get wrapped up in the busyness of college, work and family commitments, yet he chose to return to KidWorks and volunteer,” Rachel adds. “Cristian always shows up in a big way. He’s such a dependable person.”

“Cristian is an alumnus I can reach out to when we need volunteers, knowing that he will say yes,” says Brenda Trujillo Sanchez, our Senior College & Career Manager. 

She adds, “Most recently, Cristian supported our annual Youth Lock-In, a once-a-year event for students in grades six through 12. It’s a night of fun, food, faith and fellowship.”

Cristian has also volunteered at our Festival of Chefs fundraising event, pickleball tournament, Noche de las Estrellas graduation celebration, after-school programs, set up/clean-up for events and at Campus Crash, where students visit college and university campuses to plant the seed of higher education after high school graduation.

Cristian has fond memories of his years as a KidWorks student.

“I was involved in pretty much everything KidWorks offered,” he says. “That included after school tutoring, summer and spring programs, youth groups and college preparation.”

In addition to Campus Crash, our College & Career preparedness programs at KidWorks include the College & Career Success Initiative™ (C&CSI). The initiative prepares first generation college students for higher education beyond high school. College preparedness also includes our College Apps Academy, our 25-week program for high school seniors that provides guidance through the college application process, including support with college and financial aid applications, scholarships, admissions essays and tips on how to have a successful transition into college.

After they start their higher education, our engagement continues with our college counselor, care packages for our college students and more.

KidWorks guided Cristian to apply and earn a scholarship to Mater Dei. After graduation, our college preparedness team assisted in his application and acceptance at Orange Coast College.

He is also one of our gap scholarship recipients. A gap scholarship provides financial assistance to students who for a variety of reasons and situations take a year or more after high school graduation before starting at a college or university.

KidWorks has also supported Cristian’s dream of becoming a licensed speech therapist.

We introduced him to Cindy Rodriguez, owner of Esperanza Speech Therapy. Cristian shadowed her for a class assignment. This January, we connected Cristian with Collaborative Therapies where he now works as a behavior interventionist, someone who guides clients to positive behaviors and actions.

Our March “Volunteer of the Month” wanted us to pass on his thanks to past KidWorks team members who worked with him over the years, along with current team members, including Lazaro Espinosa Bahena, Facilities Manager; Rachel Cervantes, Volunteer Coordinator; Jessica Ellis, Senior Site Supervisor, Dan Donahue Center; Vanessa Hernandez, Volunteer Manager and   Brenda Trujillo Sanchez, Senior College & Career Manager.

In his spare time, Cristian enjoys working out at the gym, visiting the beach and attending Angels games with his brother, Enrique. 

We are inspired by Cristian as he pursues a four-year degree and eventually begins a career in speech language pathology.

This is a young man who early in his youth demonstrated a heart to serve others. We see Cristian bettering the lives of others for decades to come. 

By Glenn Leibowitz, volunteer writer

We invite high school and college/university students to learn more about how KidWorks can provide you with opportunities to earn service hours, intern and volunteer.

November 2023 ‘Volunteer of the Month’: Nestor Morones

Nestor Morones—our November 2023 “Volunteer of the Month—readily relates to the  students he works with at our Dan Donahue Center. That’s because he was once one of them.

Nestor’s parents, Maria and Isaac, first enrolled him in KidWorks’ programs when he was in second grade. He continued to attend KidWorks through his high school graduation in 2017.

Nestor benefitted from our after school academic program, leadership classes, college/university guidance, community service opportunities and more.

His brother, Daniel, 30 and sister, Roxana, 22, also attended KidWorks during their school years.

Now a college student, Nestor is an intern with the City of Santa Ana’s youth employment program and volunteers 20 hours a week at KidWorks.

“Nestor has volunteered an amazing 600 hours so far,” says Rachel Cervantes, our Volunteer Coordinator. “He’s kind, down to earth and the students to feel at ease and happy with him.”

His duties are varied, including:

  • Helping kindergarteners learn the letters of the alphabet.
  • Assisting sixth graders with math and science homework.
  • Snack set up and distribution in our classrooms.
  • Supervising sports and fitness activities in our outside sports court.

“What excites me about returning to KidWorks is coming back to a place that played such a big role in my development,” Nestor says.

He adds, “The staff and volunteers helped with my homework when there was an English language barrier at home; now, I can do the same for students facing the same situation. Regardless of background, I believe everyone deserves opportunities and chances.”

Nestor remembers the approach our teachers and volunteers took with him when he was a KidWorks student and applies these techniques as a volunteer.

“My style a very calm and understanding,” Nestor says. “I approach situations with the goal of finding a middle ground with the students. For example, most sixth graders are not big fans of reading so I encourage them to read about something they are interested in, like cars or music.”

Nestor also empathizes with the challenges and concerns so many students face.

“KidWorks guided me academically in every way,” he says. “This ranged from helping me with homework to showing me the value in pursuing higher education after high school.”

Nestor adds, “The teachers and volunteers encouraged me to keep going during moments I wanted to drop out of high school.”

He especially thanks Jessica Ellis, Senior Site Supervisor, Dan Donahue Center and Maria Ruvalcaba, our Youth Leadership Development Coordinator.

Our November Volunteer of the Month has also grown in confidence and skills as a leader.

“I never really viewed myself as a leader,” he explains.  “KidWorks taught me otherwise. Slowly, the students started to view me as an example to follow.”

He adds, “Positivity was in the air. Life has its moments where we become leaders and examples to follow. I just feel blessed that I was able to become a good example to the children and youth who need role models in their lives.”

Beyond academics, Nestor says KidWorks also instilled in him a lifelong desire to give back to the community and serve others, especially in an under-resourced community like central Santa Ana.

“KidWorks was my biggest motivator when it came to giving back,” he says. “So, giving back as a volunteer at  KidWorks feels like I’ve come full circle.”

During his high school years as a KidWorks student, KidWorks provided Nestor opportunities to serve others in ways that included distribution of food to homeless residents and hours spent picking vegetables for a local food bank.

 “The employees at the food bank said we picked enough vegetables that day to feed 1,000 people and that was a great feeling,” Nestor says.

He calls the opportunities KidWorks provided to give back to the community “some of my fondest memories.”

In his spare time, Nestor has a wide range of interests, including painting, hiking, acting, editing videos and  baking. He’s also a music lover and plays the bass acoustic guitar and piano.

Nestor says his career goals include “appearing in a movie, writing my own book and finishing my album.”

We saw the wonderful potential in Nestor when we first met him as a second grader. We continue to see that endless potential realized as he works with the young minds he helps mold as a valued volunteer and mentor.

By Glenn Leibowitz, volunteer writer

We invite high school and college/university students to learn more about how KidWorks can provide you with opportunities to earn service hours, intern and volunteer.

October 2023 ‘Volunteer of the Month’: Vanessa Rosas

Vanessa Rosas, our October 2023 “Volunteer of the Month” is a multi-year, longtime volunteer, especially with children and youth.

This month’s  honoree is a California State University, Fullerton senior who’s volunteered at KidWorks since 2018 and is no stranger to other volunteer experiences as well.

Working with children is Vanessa’s passion. And KidWorks helped confirm for her that it’s her life’s calling.

Vanessa is a psychology major with a minor in child and adolescent studies. Her career goal is to become a child life specialist (a health care professional who works with young patients and his or her family during medical experiences, some very challenging).

Vanessa is now both a KidWorks intern and volunteer, serving 11 hours each week, exclusively at our Townsend Street Center in central Santa Ana. She works with each of the kindergarten through eighth grade students enrolled at that center.

While at the Townsend, Vanessa helps with homework, passes out snacks and assists with clean up.

“Vanessa has given so much of her time to KidWorks as a volunteer since she was in high school and continues to serve while in college,” says Karina Flores, Townsend Site Supervisor. “She has so much potential and enjoys helping students succeed.”

Adds Karina, “Vanessa takes the initiative. She has such a tender, gentle approach with students. They reach out to her.”

Rachel Cervantes, Volunteer Coordinator, adds: “Vanessa has been consistent and dependable; her sweet, welcoming demeanor and heart for our students is exemplary.”

Vanessa says her experiences at KidWorks confirmed her desire to work with children.

“I knew I wanted to work with children for my career, but I didn’t know if that was true for me until I tried it out,” Vanessa says. “I’m glad it was with KidWorks; I discovered I have the patience for children and enjoy being around them.”

She adds, “What’s most rewarding about being involved with KidWorks is getting to experience different temperaments from the children and the experience I gain from that.”

And in case anyone thinks being a volunteer helping with homework and other needs is all serious business, Vanessa will tell you that there are plenty of lighthearted moments and lots of laughter.  

“One Thursday, most of the children were doing worksheets or finishing homework when I noticed a quiet child who liked to draw,” Vanessa says. “I approached her because she drew a character from a movie I liked. I asked if it was okay if I drew with her. 

“That’s when two other children noticed and wanted to join; a child asked if we wanted to challenge each other with our drawing skills and make it timed. Everyone was being silly and having a good time.”

In addition to being a volunteer, Vanessa is a KidWorks intern. Her internships began this past August and continues into the fall. 

“We are actively inviting high school and college/university students to consider serving as a volunteer or intern,” Rachel says. “It’s a great way to satisfy service hour requirements and to gain experience no matter what a person’s career goals might be.”

KidWorks is currently recruiting and accepting internship applications. More information is available by emailing Vanessa Hernandez, our Volunteer Manager, at

Vanessa keeps a very busy schedule in addition to her studies and volunteer time at KidWorks.

 “I work full-time as an assistant manager at a restaurant called Cafe Cultura and have a part-time job as a caregiver,” she says. 

When there’s time, she enjoys painting, baking, listening to music, taking her three dogs to the beach or park and going to the movies.

“Volunteering at KidWorks is so rewarding and helpful as I plan a career working with children,” Vanessa says. “At KidWorks, I’m building my relationships and skills with children. I get to face children’s different temperaments and the challenges that may bring. It’s such an impactful experience to volunteer at KidWorks.”

We are grateful that our students benefit each day our October “Volunteer of the Month” is in the classroom. We are honored that her career got a start with us.

By Glenn Leibowitz, volunteer writer

We invite high school and college/university students to learn more about how KidWorks can provide you with opportunities to earn service hours, intern and volunteer.