Our Vision & Values

KidWorks walks with students from Pre-K to B.A. to develop confident, self-reliant adults who are equipped for the workforce and motivated to give back.

We believe every child is born with unique gifts and talents that can be used to impact our world and create meaningful, lasting change in our community.

From an early age, KidWorks students are provided with a clear path and support toward higher education and a future career.

While we are committed to seeing our students thrive academically, grades do not define a person nor is it the sole focus of our programs.

Our Mission

KidWorks inspires purpose in youth, fuels their growth, and catalyzes their impact in the community and the world. 

Our Vision

We unleash youth potential.

Our Values


Anchored by God’s love and Christ-like values, we believe every child is created to impact the world.


We look ahead with resolve toward creating a brighter future.


In the face of challenge, we press on with courage in pursuit of our greatest potential.


We develop resilient and resourceful individuals who are secure in their identity and equipped to thrive.


We use our unique gifts to create meaningful, lasting change in our community.