We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers;

1 Thessalonians 1:02

2022 was a great year for KidWorks and we have a lot to celebrate (Click to read last week’s blog recapping highlights from 2022). 

As we look forward to the coming year, KidWorks is profoundly grateful for the work God is doing.  We are embarking on a milestone that only God knew was possible for us when we first opened our doors in the summer of 1993.

Yes, 2023 marks KidWorks’ 30th anniversary.

It’s going to be much more than a date on the calendar. It’s going to be a celebration, a year-long one. Much is still in the works and we’ll share more details as they’re finalized.  In the coming weeks, our e-news, blogs and socials social media will include ways you can get involved.  

KidWorks continues to strategically expand programs to better serve the needs of our students and the community.  Late last year, our executive team spent time planning the year ahead and wanted to share some key highlights:

The greatest gift is witnessing firsthand how—one by one—lives are being transformed at our centers. KidWorks is grateful for the way God weaves our programs into the lives of our students, volunteers, partners and staff, working through those He has called to serve. 

Over the next 12 months, there will be many opportunities for families, friends and partners to join forces to celebrate KidWorks and prepare for a brighter tomorrow.  We couldn’t do it without you!
