Robert W. Howard

Laguna Woods
Ardent supporter and friend of the ministry since inception.

How did you become involved with KidWorks?

Through a friendship with Larry Acosta.

Share the most meaningful experiences you’ve had at KidWorks? What made them impactful to you?

There are so many I could share.

  1. Introducing Kidworks to the Tea House Gang (“THG”), which is a group of Coldwell Banker & Co. managers and salesmen,  who ultimately planned and executed several fundraising parties, including the Dan Donahue celebration of life event,  which, all-together,  raised approximately $1,200,000 for Kidworks.

  2. Assisted KidWorks in the purchase of its Santa Ana building.

  3. Ongoing friendship with Larry Acosta, Ava Steaffens and David Benavides over the years.

  4. Helping to plan and be a part of last year’s Tea House Award ceremony.

As I look back over the last 30 years, it is amazing to see how the ministry has evolved into one of the most successful operations of its type, not only in Santa Ana, but perhaps in the entire country.It is great to see how the community leadership has expanded over the years, together with the success of the educational achievements which have taken place.The true impact of Kidworks on the Santa Ana community is impossible to measure.  I know it has had an extremely positive influence on an unknown number of kids and families.

Can you talk about some of the biggest obstacles KidWorks' programming overcame when you were involved?

I have not been involved in the day-to-day programming of KidWorks. I do know that many members of the Tea House Gang have become role models for many of the kids and have devoted untold hours of tutoring over the years.

What does KidWorks mean to you? Looking back, how did KW help to shape your life? How did KW help to influence the person you are today

I look at how much Kidworks has accomplishment with pride but knowing that it would not have happened, except for the incredible sacrifices and hard work of so many. I wish that I could have been more involved at the “hands on” level over the years.It has been fun to be part of this wonderful group. Giving back, as individuals and also as a family, are joy filled occasions. Perhaps the lives of everyone who has been a part of Kidworks over the years, from the kids, families, student helpers, leaders, etc. will be shaped positively, because of their relationship with Kidworks.I am just grateful to have had an opportunity to be a very small part of this success.

What are your dreams for KidWorks over the next 10, 20, or 30 years?

I have thought, for many years that the KidWork’s template could be moved to other locations that have similar demographics, both locally and nationally. At the Tea House’s 2022 Christmas annual luncheon, Richard Dick, Chairman of the THG voiced the same thoughts and I think most in attendance agreed. If not now, there will be a time that will be right for such an expansion to happen. Frankly, I think it is NOW.

Anything else you would like to share about KidWorks?

Just keep doing what you are doing. Be Christ centered and do not let egos get in the way of service. Keep looking up.