Rachid Chamtieh

Tustin Ranch
Former board member and board chair. Currently I serve on the Finance Committee. Most importantly, I see myself as a lifelong ambassador of KidWorks.

How did you become involved with KidWorks?

I was introduced to KidWorks by Tom Schriber almost 15 years ago. Over the years, I served on the board in various capacities and worked with the KidWorks leadership on various key strategic initiatives that saw KidWorks transform to be an exceptionally well run organization that is making real tangible impact on students and families in Santa Ana.

Share the most meaningful experiences you’ve had at KidWorks? What made them impactful to you?

Working with the board on the expansion of the Dan Donahue Center was a real eye opener for the level of passion our local donors have for KidWorks and its mission was inspiring. That display of faith in KidWorks, despite some of the challenges we faced the years prior, demonstrated to me that the OC business and philanthropic communities will always do what is right to support and advance the social and economic justice efforts in Orange County.

Can you talk about some of the biggest obstacles KidWorks' programming overcame when you were involved?

Definitely making sure that the student’s families are just as important to changing their lives as any program we did at the Dan Donahue center.  We needed to involve the parents and take them on that same journey so the support level for our kids when they’re at home is very much aligned with the goals and aspirations of KidWorks programs.

What does KidWorks mean to you? Looking back, how did KW help to shape your life? How did KW help to influence the person you are today

KidWorks was the first deep philanthropic endeavor I had and it gave me a great new perspective on how philanthropy can change lives of not only those on the receiving end but also the giving end.  Most importantly, watching how the Kidworks staff work relentlessly, purely because of believing in the mission. KidWorks potential impact is admirable at many levels.

What are your dreams for KidWorks over the next 10, 20, or 30 years?

I hope to see KidWorks be the preeminent non-profit organization in all of OC and the organization that everyone in Santa Ana claims some sort of connection to as either a volunteer, student, family, donor or supporter.

Anything else you would like to share about KidWorks?

I’m a big believer in the concept of KidWorks satellite centers at various locations in Santa Ana and I hope someday to see 10 to 20 throughout this soulful and diverse city.