Camille Strader

Newport Beach

How did you become involved with KidWorks?

Both of our boys had graduated from Mater Dei High School and I was a new “empty nester” when Kyle Team asked me to join her one afternoon at KidWorks.  One of the things I missed most was spending time in the classroom with kids.  I was immediately hooked and signed up to spend Wednesday afternoons volunteering with the K-5th graders.

Share the most meaningful experiences you’ve had at KidWorks? What made them impactful to you?

Over the years as a volunteer, I have developed a few strong relationships with some of the students.  When Covid hit and programs came to a crashing halt we were all disappointed and a little scared.  Instead of fun in person meetings we now relied on crazy Zoom meetings with spotty internet connections.  It was so hard. I asked if one student in particular could be my pen pal.  All during Covid we hand wrote letters back and forth to one another sharing about our daily limited activities as well as our emotions, frustrations and dreams for the future.  We wrote dozens of letters to each other and I’ve saved and cherish each one!

Other small yet meaningful experiences happen often when I’m at the center.  I delight in seeing a student grasp a new concept or when they share that they received a good grade after working hard.  They often touch my heart with their smiles and hugs.

Can you talk about some of the biggest obstacles KidWorks' programming overcame when you were involved?

During my tenure, the closure of the center for COVID has been the biggest obstacle I’ve seen.  I was so proud of all the ways KidWorks was able to quickly pivot to help our families. The after school program was held on Zoom and the facility served as a food distribution center to help our families who were strongly impacted by the shutdown.  The amazing teachers also had weekly check-ins with the families to access their needs and offer love and additional support.

What does KidWorks mean to you? Looking back, how did KW help to shape your life? How did KW help to influence the person you are today

KidWorks is a special family that wants the very best for our students.  It provides a safe and happy place for kids to receive encouragement, love and support.

What are your dreams for KidWorks over the next 10, 20, or 30 years?

I have had the privilege to play a small part in the creation of a new group that supports KidWorks – KidWorks Women.  We are just getting started with a few annual events but I hope to see those events grow and for us to reach more and more women who would like to give of their time, talents and treasure.In addition, I have seen so many exciting things come from our College Initiative Program.  We have had the opportunity to walk alongside our students as they apply for and go to college.  We currently have about 50 students in college.  I want us to continue to encourage them to work hard to complete their degrees.  KidWorks is no longer a Pre-K through High school program.  I am super excited that we share in the next step with our students.  I pray that more and more students will continue to be encouraged to pursue their dreams.